In your marketing, what do you talk about? Is it your company and its products, or your customers and their problems? Does your marketing effort help develop new product ideas or does it exist only to support the sales team? This infographic will help you test your marketing and verify if your organisation gives the correct definition to this role, which is knowing and understanding your buyers and NOT simply doing advertising, promotion and PR.
Test your Marketing
The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product fits him and sells itself. -Peter Durcker
Buying exposure with advertising or begging for exposure with public relations, as many old-style marketing firms do is obsolete. Now these same firms are trying to make sense of the new media—video, webinars, podcasts—but with the old mindset. For them, marketing is media, not message.
Marketing is too important to be left to the marketing department. -David Packard
Promotion isn’t Marketing
Sales isn’t Marketing
PR and Advertising aren’t Marketing
Marketing is knowing what to build and for whom by understanding your buyers and creating great content they want to consume, establishing your company as the expert—and frankly, the rest is easy.