Your prospects are waiting to be at 60% of their buying process before contacting you.
And what do they do before calling you? They learn, they get information.
The best way to sell your product or service is to teach your prospects new and unique technical information in relation to their own expertise.
Q: How can you generate more qualified leads and convert them into repeat customers?
A: High-tech companies say webinars and blogs are the most effective tactics for generating qualified leads. Those who keep a blog generate 67% more leads than those who don’t.
You will attract more leads if you teach prospects valuable information and offer them useful and relevant content than if you just try to sell your product or service. People resist to sales, but offer no resistance when they learn and become more skilled. This is especially true for the purchase of a technological product that requires a certain level of knowledge and sophistication.
Thus, more than half of high-tech companies will increase their content creation budget in the next 12 months. They will allocate more than one-third of their total marketing budget to content creation. From there, however, rises a new challenge: the lack of time to produce enough engaging content. To counter this, 57% of high-tech companies outsource the creation of their content.
Q: Where does Content Marketing originally come from and how has it proved its success?
A: In early 2009, when the global economy had reached depths never seen in 80 years, companies around the world faced an epic problem and an even deeper mystery.
Customers had disappeared overnight. Sales had vanished. Credit was rare, and cash, even rarer. From executives to sales, it was an absolute nightmare.
Again, there was a mystery … a group of separate companies managed to convert prospects into customers, quickly and efficiently. While others were struggling to conclude the slightest sales, very specific companies had sales figures that most would not have even reached normally.
What were they doing differently? And, how could we take this magic, bottle it and offer it to all leaders in sales?
That is what CEB looked for. Since the sales prospects were theoretically non-existent, these companies were approaching their clients not to sell, but to teach them new ways, to offer different perspectives on their market, to provide them with advice on obstacles to avoid, etc. In short, they were not selling them anything, they did not even talk about their product or service.
Result: these forward-thinking companies are now giving us the way to convert prospects into repeat customers more quickly and efficiently.
Sales have changed.
The art of selling without selling; this is how you can now gain new customers.
To do this, inform your prospects, teach them valuable and useful information and provide them with relevant and unique content.
To your success!
Stephanie Labrecque, Eng. MBA